Saturday, 13 February 2016

Internet safety for children

My children had an Internet safety week at school.

They had discussions about using the Internet & stranger danger.

A large part of the Internet safety was aimed at the 5-7 year old.  Our children are using the Internet at much younger ages so need to be aware.  My own children are 5 and 9 and use the Internet almost daily. They both love YouTube and minecraft.

The school showed them a video and for us parents a useful website.  The link is below

Think you Know - Internet Safety

Some top tips to share with your children are -

Always ask a grown up before you use the internet so they can make sure you are accessing proper sites.

Don’t tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. This is very important.

Don’t send pictures. Your grown up can do this if you are sharing with friends or family.

Tell a grown up if you feel unhappy about anything you see whilst online. 

My 5 year old loved the song available on the website and it encouraged a good discussion about Internet safety. I'd already discussed it but this reinforced the issue.

It might be worth having a browse if you have primary school age children.

Emma xxx