Time Around
“Argh! This bloody card isn’t
working again.” I huffed placing the card in and out of the slot and waiting
impatiently for the little green light. Nothing. I jiggled the handle hopefully
and then in a fit of annoyance kicked the door which resulted in a sore toe and
still firmly locked door.
I stormed downstairs flip flops
flapping and rushed up to the reception desk feeling stressed and berating
myself for ruining the effect of my 2 hour spa session. “Hello madam. How can I
“My card isn’t working again.” I
said grumpily.
“I can sort that for you. Room
number please.”
“127.” I said briskly refusing to
“One moment.” The receptionist
said with a broad smile. Speedily my card was returned. With a muttered thanks
I returned to my room clutching the now working key card. Once I had
successfully entered the room I sighed and slumped on the bed which I noticed
had been tidied by the maid. A few minutes later Marianne arrived “Hey. How was
the spa?”
“Lovely. Very relaxing but then I
came up here and the card didn’t work again.” I huffed
“Bloody hell that’s about the
fourth time.”
“Fifth.” I said raising a
perfectly waxed eyebrow
“Oh well don’t let it bother
“Yeah your right. Apart from the
card issue the hotel is lovely.” I was in Puerto Pollensa, Majorca with my best
friends Marianne, Carly, and Beth. The holiday had been arranged as a result of
Carly having a mini breakdown following her 31st birthday and my break up 3
months earlier. Beth had decided we needed to live it up in Magaluf but after
much persuasion Marianne and I had convinced her we might be too old for 7 days
of Sambuca shots and dancing on bar tops till 4am. We had settled on Puerto
Pollensa but said we’d go into Magaluf for one mad night. It had been lovely
and I knew I should be feeling far more relaxed but I kept thinking of the
holiday I should have been going on. Prior to my break up I had a holiday to
Rome booked; I had looked longingly at pictures on websites and poured over
reviews on Trip Advisor. I had been looking forward to seeing the Trevi
Fountain, Spanish Steps, and Coliseum. Everyone had been saying Jack might
propose and although I wasn’t too bothered about the whole getting married
thing I had felt myself getting swept away with the romance of it all. We’d
been together for 3 years and had our own little rented flat. We had been
talking about buying somewhere and had been for a mortgage appointment and
started looking at prospective places. It was Jack that had suggested Rome reasoning
we might not be able to afford it after buying our own house. He had been
looking forward to it as much as me and I was shocked to the core when he
pulled out and ended our relationship. I remember walking into the flat and
happily chatting about my day when he said he needed to talk to me. I could
tell from his voice it was serious but still had no idea what he was about to
say. “I can’t go Jess.” He said his face expressionless
“What? Rome?” I replied feeling
“Um…Ok. What’s up? Is Matt being
an arse about your annual leave again? I thought you’d already booked the time
off work.”
“I have I’m going to cancel it.
I’m so sorry Jess but I can’t do this anymore.”
“I don’t understand.” I said a
cold fear sweeping over me
“Jess I need to move out. I don’t
want to be with you anymore. I’m not sure I can commit.”
“What’s this about? The house? We
don’t need to buy anything. I’m happy here.”
“It’s not just the house. I saw a
pregnancy test in your bag a few weeks ago. I know you aren’t pregnant as
you’ve had your period.” He said blushing and dropping his gaze, “But it
freaked me out. I’m not ready for all this. A house, a baby, and marriage.”
“Whoa! Who said anything about
babies and marriage? I think you have got this all out of proportion. The test
wasn’t even for me. It was Kelly at work. Let’s just talk about this.”
“I’m sorry Jess. It just made me
think. I’m not ready. We’ve been together 3 years and I think it’s just become
habit. I just don’t think I love you anymore.”
“What? You’ve realised all this
just because you saw a pregnancy test in my bag. This is ridiculous. We can
talk about this.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.
I’m going to move out. We can sort out the flat in a week or two.” It was then
I noticed a packed holdall and suitcase and my eyes filled with tears. I
couldn’t believe this was happening. It was all a massive misunderstanding.
Over the next few days to my shame, I begged, cried and pleaded but Jack
wouldn’t listen. Rome was cancelled as I couldn’t bear the thought of going
with anyone other than Jack and I moved out of the flat and into a new place.
The girls were amazing. Listening
to me moan, cry and shout. Majorca had restored my spirits but I just felt
something was missing. Puerto Pollensa had a lovely Spanish feel and was
beautiful. The flight over was quick and problem free. The resort was not
overly commercialised although still had a Burger King (I swear Tesco, fast
food and coffee chains are taking over the world). The pine walk was stunning
and the sea was warmer than the swimming pool and so shallow and clear.
That night I was looking forward
to a meal in a restaurant on the sea front and deciding on our plan for
Magaluf. Beth had been several times and had already lined up a bar crawl for
us and was excited. The calm ambience of Puerto Pollensa didn’t suit her as
much as the rest of us although she was mightily impressed with her tan after
spending hours lazing on a sun lounger.
The next afternoon we got a coach
to Magaluf. As the coach squeezed down tiny side streets my spirits plummeted
as I took in the rows of British themed bars advertising English breakfasts and
4 shots for the price of 2. Neon lights assaulted my vision and the shops
seemed to contain nothing but inflatables of ALL descriptions, fancy dress
outfits, and tat. I wanted to return to Puerto Pollensa immediately but knew
Beth was looking forward to it and I was being a miserable cow. She was
practically bouncing on her seat as she pointed out numerous bars she’s been to
before. As we pulled up outside a generic hotel a group of 18 year old lads
jeered and one flashed their arse while the rest laughed and staggered into the
road. We got off in the town centre and Beth quickly dragged us into a nearby
bar and lined up some shots. “I know you aren’t really looking forward to this
but I think it will do you good. Let your hair down and properly chill out.
Right down this.” Beth said nudging a drink in my direction. “It’s just one
night of madness. You are banned from thinking about Jack, Rome or anything
else. Jess you deserve this break. You are an amazing person and Jack is just
an idiot.” I smiled and felt my eyes water and sniffed.
“Don’t cry. We all love you and
this is going to be the best night ever.” Beth said giving me a squeeze.
Marianne and Carly joined in and felt my heart swell.
“Yeah you’re right. Jack is an
idiot. Sorry for being a mardy pants. Right bring on the shots.” I said smiling
and downed my first drink.
“That’s more like it. Come on
let’s go to the next bar.” We headed to Jumpin Jaks, Coco Bongos, Chaplin’s,
Linekars, and Mambo’s before ending up at BCM’s on a bucking bronco rodeo bull.
I flirted, laughed and drank for hours and enjoyed Magaluf more than I would
have imagined. There was noise and people everywhere and I loved the randomness
of the drunken conversations. Just before 3am we decided it was time to go home
and found a taxi rank. Just as a taxi arrived I heard my name being shouted.
“Jess. Hey is that you?” I turned unsure where the voice was coming from. Not
seeing anyone I jumped into the taxi and we headed back to our hotel. I sank
gratefully into the cool seats and forgot about hearing my name and smiled as
the bright lights disappeared and were replaced by countryside.
When we got back to our hotel we
all promptly went to bed drunkenly hugging each other and whispering as we
tiptoed up the corridor. I awoke in the morning head thumping and with a mouth
feeling like sandpaper. “Urgh! I feel terrible.” I said sitting up slowly,
“Me too.” Marianne groaned from
under the sheet. “I need water.” I slowly shuffled to the small kitchen and
grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge.
“Here. Do you want some
“Yes please.” Marianne said
peeking at me. Her eyes were ringed with mascara. “What did we drink last night?
I bet Beth is still feeling fine.”
“Probably. I’ve rarely seen her
with a hangover. I think I’ll be fit for nothing today.”
“What was in that last cocktail?”
Marianne said as she swigged some more water,
“Everything.” I said laughing
softly and holding my head as it pounded
“It was a brilliant night but I
feel like death warmed up. Can you imagine how we would feel if we had stayed
there all week.” Marianne sat up and moaned. I just shook my head and smiled,
“I’m gonna have a shower and
hopefully that will make me feel a bit better. What time is it?”
“Um…10.30am. I’ll text the others
while you have a shower. I reckon a big breakfast is in order.”
Two hours later the shower,
paracetamol, and breakfast had worked there magic and I felt vaguely human
again. A day of topping up the tan stretched ahead as it was nearly the end of
the holiday. I felt lighter than I had in weeks as I lay on a sun lounger and
closed my eyes. After a snooze and dip in the pool I decided to go upstairs to
get my book. “Anyone else want anything? I'm just popping upstairs.” I said
wrapping my sarong around me. Everyone vaguely mumbled no and I headed inside.
Upstairs to my utter annoyance the card didn’t work again. “Argh!” I screamed
before stomping downstairs. “My card isn’t working again.” I said as I thrust
the card at the receptionist. It was quickly restored and I took the lift back
upstairs. As the doors closed I heard someone call my name.
“Jess. Wait.” But it was too late
the doors had closed. Confused I pressed
the button to stop the lift. Who knew my name here? Had I given someone the
hotel address last night and forgotten? I racked my brain but drew a blank. God
what if it was some weirdo? The lift suddenly juddered and the doors opened
about 5 inches. The lift was about 2 foot from the ground. I couldn’t believe
it the bloody thing had broken. I quickly jammed a flip flop in the gap worried
the door might completely close. The lift felt stuffy and I was beginning to
“Jess. It is you.” An exasperated
voice said from below. I looked down and gasped.
“Oh my god! Stephen! What are you
doing here?”
“I saw you briefly last night. At
the taxi rank. I called you but you didn’t hear me. I couldn’t believe it was
“How did you find me?” I said
“I asked the taxi company where
he had dropped you off and came over.”
“What by yourself? Its 70 euros.”
“I know but I couldn’t let the
opportunity pass. Hey are you ok in there?”
“Um…Yeah but it’s kind of hot.”
“I’ll go tell the reception. I’ll
be back in a second.” I smiled as memories rushed back. We had been a couple 10
years ago but lost touch. We were together for 2 ½ years but drifted when
Stephen went to university. We never argued but just mutually decided it wasn’t
working anymore. Our relationship had been full of firsts. He didn't look much
different. Maybe a few lines around his eyes and a little stockier. My heart
raced as I remembered the effect he used to have on me. I’d often thought about
him over the years and had looked on Facebook a couple of times but never found
him. I suddenly panicked wondering what I looked like. I was only in a bikini
and sarong, no make-up, and hair slicked back in a scruffy bun. I looked in the
mirror on the lift wall and tugged lightly at the edge of my sarong.
“The maintenance man is on his
way. They said you should be out in 10 minutes max. Here’s a bottle of water.”
Stephen said passing it through the gap and smiling.
“I can’t believe you are here.
This is so weird. It’s nice to see you.” I glanced at his hands noticing he wasn’t
wearing a wedding ring and wondered if he was single. As if reading my mind he
“I’m here on a stag do. My
brother Ben is getting married. I’ve never settled down though. You?”
“Oh…Um…I’m single too.” I said
feeling myself blush, “I was in a relationship for 3 years, but it ended a few
months ago. When’s your brother getting married?”
“Eight weeks. Big hotel thing. I
saw you were with Beth last night. You two still mates then?”
“Yeah. She’s one of my best
friends.” I paused. “This is bizarre. How is your brother then? Has he been
stripped naked and tied to a lamppost yet?”
“No although one of his mates
Barry did want to do something like that. I’m making sure nothing too bad
happens. One of the lads got a tattoo last night his missus is going to go
mental when we get home.” He laughed and shook his head. “Ben couldn’t believe
I saw you last night.”
“Well it is pretty random. I
can’t believe you travelled over here.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about
you.” My heart raced and a big grin spread over my face. “It’s great to see you
even if it is through a 5 inch gap.” He laughed again, “Right fill me in on the
last 10 years while we are waiting for the maintenance man.” The next 15
minutes passed quickly recapping on the last few years, reminiscing about
mutual friends and sixth form stories. We were just starting another story when
the light went out. I was plunged into darkness.
“Oh my god!” I said feeling
claustrophobic “Where’s the maintenance man?”
“I’ll go speak to reception
again.” Stephen said. Within seconds he was back “Its ok. He’s here. He was
just coming in the door. You’ll be out in seconds.”
“Good. I’m starting to freak out
a little in here.” The maintenance man unscrewed a panel and pressed some
buttons and the lift suddenly moved and the doors pinged wide open. I ran out
relieved and straight into Stephen arms. He kissed me on the forehead and
“It’s amazing to see you Jess.”
My heart fluttered as Stephen stroked my arm. I hadn’t felt that in years. Even
with Jack. Maybe Jack had been right our relationship had become habit. We went
outside and I quickly filled the girls in as Stephen headed to the bar.
“I can’t believe none of you came
to look for me.” I said playfully swatting Carly’s arm “I’ve been gone about
half hour.”
“We thought maybe you’d decided
to have a nap.” Carly said smiling
“Yeah we didn’t realise you were stuck in a
lift catching up with an old boyfriend.” Beth said grinning.
“Jess you are blushing.” Marianne said
“He’s got better with age.” Beth
said slipping her sunglasses off and peering at Stephen over by the bar. “You
should definitely get his number.” Beth continued “You two definitely still
have some chemistry.”
“Yep. He can’t stop staring at
you.” Carly said nudging my arm.
“Well…It’s a bit weird but I do like
him.” I said smiling
“Oh my god! This is so exciting.
I can’t believe you’ve met your childhood sweetheart on a random holiday in
Majorca.” Marianne said laughing. I was just about to reply when Stephen
appeared with a tray of drinks. We spent the next two hours chatting, laughing,
and drinking and for the first time in months I felt 100% happy. Stephen was
getting another round of drinks when he beckoned me over.
“I’ve got to head back. We have
this stag thing organised for tonight. I’ve got to go but I really want to see
you again. Can I have your number? We could meet up back home.”
“Yeah I’d love too. We’re leaving
tomorrow anyway. When are you home?”
“We’ve got two days although I
reckon I’ll need another holiday after to get over this. I’m definitely not a
teenager anymore.” He grinned and kissed me. “Right I’ve got to go. The lads
are getting restless. I’ve had 3 texts.”
We exchanged numbers and I waved
as he left in another taxi. Beth appeared next to me smiling “Must be love.
He’s spent 140 euro’s in taxi fares just to see you.” She hugged me tight “It’s
so nice to see you happy again. Now come on. Let’s get glammed up and enjoy our
last meal in Puerto Pollensa. I fancy that fish restaurant near the harbour.
The waiter is gorgeous.”
Eight weeks later and I was
putting my earrings in. “Do I look ok?” I said turning around. “We’re going to
be late.”
“You look amazing and don’t worry
we have plenty of time.” Stephen said gently taking my hand and kissing me. I
marvelled at the ring shining on my left hand. I heard a beep and looked out of
the window. The car was here. I saw Ben waving and looking slightly nervous. He
looked great in his wedding suit and the weather was perfect. “Right come on
let’s go.”
“Maybe the next wedding will be ours. What do
you reckon to Majorca?” Stephen said grinning and opening the door.