Monday, 20 November 2017

Santa Grotto Review - Enchanted Forest Weston Favell Northampton

On Sunday I was invited to try out the new Santa's Grotto at Weston Favell.

This year they have gone for an enchanted forest theme with 120 real life fir trees! Believed to be the first live forest to be created in an indoor shopping centre, you walk through the fairy lit forest to meet the one and only Father Christmas/Santa.  Little ones can meet Spud and Eve Weston Favell's own elves and spot the animals as they walk through.  There is a small craft area at the beginning for children to decorate a tag and write their wish list.

I loved the real trees but I did think they would be more spaced out creating more of a forest walkthrough but the effect is nice. The lights are lovely and staff really good.  Santa's cabin is really cosy & well decorated just as you'd imagine.  Santa was very authentic and little ones will love him. 

My 7 year old said he did a very good job even though he's Santa's helper and must have been trained by the real Santa well so praise indeed. (He believes the real Santa stays in the North Pole because he's busy but sends helpers to the grottos.)

It costs £4 per child and my children both received a book as a gift.  If you book online there is a booking fee.

I think it was good value for money and a nice experience.  After you can purchase the usual photos and key rings.  I bought the basic package for £10 as it was a nice photo and my 10 year probably won't come to a grotto again sob!

The Grotto is open from 17th November 2017 - 24th December 2017. 

Address for those unfamiliar with Weston Favell is -
Weston Favell Shopping Centre
Wellingborough Road

You can purchase tickets following this link -

Grotto Tickets

Opening hours are -
Monday to Friday
12.00pm - 6.00pm
10.00am - 6.00pm
10.00am - 4.00pm


9.00am - 6.00pm
24th December
9.00am - 3.00pm

Merry Christmas

Emma xx

Disclaimer: I received 2 tickets in exchange for this review.  I purchased the photos myself.  All opinions are my own & honest.


Thursday, 26 October 2017

Turtle Bay Northampton Review

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to go to Turtle Bay for a 3 course meal.  I'd been to the preview evening so knew the food would be good but was excited to be able to try a full meal and rare weeknight outing away from the kids.

I was surprised to see it quite busy at 7pm on a Thursday but we were seated and served quickly.  I love the low level lighting and fairy lights and think it creates a lovely atmosphere.  Sadly we had just missed the 2 for 1 cocktails so check out the times before you book if you are a cocktail fan.

Turtle Bay Northampton

Whilst perusing the food menu I had a Bay Bramble cocktail which tasted like a grown up Ribena and I can definitely recommend and Stuart decided on a pint of Red Stripe. 

For starters I chose the Classic Beef Batty and Stuart ordered the Crispy Chilli Squid.  Stuart said the Chilli Squid was excellent and would definitely order again.  Mine was good but I would try another option next time.

For the mains we both went for one pot options.  I had the Curry Goat which was amazing but slightly too hot for me.  The rice was cooked perfectly and I was really glad I tried it having never eaten goat before going to Turtle Bay.  Stuart ordered the Bajan Beef Cheeks which he said were brilliant and the beef was melt in the mouth.

We decided on another drink and I tried a Raspberry Reggae Rum which was also delicious but the Bay Bramble topped it for me and Stuart had another Red Stripe.

Finally we looked at desserts.  I love Lemon Meringue so I had to try the Passion Pie which was amazing!!! Stuart decided not to have a dessert but was tempted by the Fresh BBQ Pineapple.

We had a great night and will definitely return with friends soon.  My only criticism is that the tables do not have cocktail lists so you need to ask for one each time you want to order a new drink.  This is a minor point but is something they could maybe add.  Our service was great and I think Turtle Bay is a brilliant addition to the Northampton dining scene.

For all food and drink options click on the link

Turtle Bay Menu

Disclaimer:  We were given a 3 course meal and 1 drink each in exchange for this review.  All opinion's are my own.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

London with kids - My top tips

London with kids is a brilliant day out but some planning makes the trip a lot easier.  There is so much to see and do that a little research before you go will make a huge difference.  If you can stay overnight this is beneficial as it can be tiring especially with little ones.

London with the kids - My top tips

  • Plan your visit. Have a rough idea of what you want to do & order. We knew we were visiting the Tower of London so I found a hotel within a few minutes walk from there. 
Raven's at The Tower of London

Tower of London

Tower of London

  • Don't worry. I thought the children might find the rush & tube daunting but they were totally unfazed.

  • Rest. There's so much to do you can have the tendency to squeeze everything in but this just results in tired/grumpy children & no fun for anyone.

  • Premier Inn offer free breakfasts for children & have loads of locations with family rooms. We stayed at London Bank (Tower) hotel.

  • If you have a Merlin Pass you can visit Madame Tussauds, Sea Life London, Shrek's Adventure, London Dungeon and the London Eye for FREE.  Please check terms and conditions as some passes have restrictions on peak time.

  • If you are able stay on a Sunday most hotels offer a better rate.

  • The tube is free for children 11 years old and under.  Walk through the larger section and just tap in using your debit card and they walk through with you for free!

  • A hop on hop off bus is a good way to see lots in a short space of time and save tired little legs.
Trafalgar Square
Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower)

View of the London Eye

  • Check for voucher codes at restaurants.  We went to Zizzi and saved £15 with an offer on their own website.  Can definitely recommend great kids menu and lovely food.
Lego Store - Leicester Square

National History Musuem

  • Remember there's loads of free activitiesHyde park with the Diana memorial fountain, play area and Serpentine, St James Park near Buckingham Palace famous for it's resident Pelicans and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park with the Tumbling Bay playground.  The National history museum, Museum of London Docklands, The science museum, for Harry Potter fans visit Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. Visit Covent Garden to see the street performers and watch the Changing the Guard ceremony outside Buckingham Palace or simply stroll around taking in the sites, my son was thrilled to see Big Ben in real life. For rainy days I recommend the Lego store & M&M store both in Leicester Square.  Fab places to browse although the kids might bug you to purchase something.  Hamley's on Regent Street is another place to browse and hide from the rain. My kids love the Harry Potter floor. In the warmer months there are several free fountains for kids to splash in dotted about.  I know of Somerset House, Granary Square, Lewis Cubbitt Square and Goodman's Fields and of cause the Diana Memorial Fountain which I'd describe more as a water circuit than fountain.
London with Kids
Pin it!

Emma xxx

Turtle Bay Preview Night

I was lucky enough to be invited to the preview night for Turtle Bay on Tuesday.

It's opening this weekend after a £800,000 refurbishment on Gold Street, Northampton.

The building has been completely transformed and its so nice to see a new and exciting food outlet/bar in Northampton.  I loved the decor and all the fairy lights.

Whilst enjoying a fruit rum punch (amazing) & a saints inspired melon cocktail (my partner gave this the thumbs up) we got to sample some starters.

I got to try the very lovely classic beef patty and garlic & chilli pit prawns and my partner sampled the crispy whitebait and jerk glazed pit ribs which he said were really good.

We were then seated for the main event and tasted the famous one pot curry goat. I'd never had this before and really enjoyed it & would definitely order again. We also got to try jerk chicken and the supervital green salad.

After a strawberry daiquri and a pineappleade we got to try 3 desserts. The passion pie (similar to lemon meringue) was soooo good and I wished I could have taken a slab home!

The staff were enthusiastic and welcoming and Turtle Bay had a great atmosphere. I'm already planning our next visit with friends.

Turtle Bay Northampton

  • Email
  • Address Turtle Bay Northampton,
    2-6 Gold Street,
    Northampton Town Centre,
    NN1 1RS
  • Opening times
  • Sun:11:30-00:00
  • Mon-Thu:11:30-00:30
  • Fri-Sat:11:00-01:30


Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Ecover Laundry Challenge

Ecover Laundry Challenge

Let's face it doing the laundry is not the most entertaining job but it has to be done.

I try to get mine done on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays so I don't feel like a laundry maid all week.  I love getting it out on the line when I can but with the weather changing my tumble dryer will be back in constant use.

You can't beat fresh bed linen although changing a king size duvet cover is always a workout!

Ecover has brought out a new scent lavender & sandalwood and it is lovely and I would definitely use again. Cruelty free and safe for sensitive skin so a winner all round.

This post is an entry for Britmums #EcoverLaundry Challenge sponsored by Ecover

Creating and Catching Memories While Travelling With Destination 2.

Creating and Catching Memories While Travelling.

What do you do with your holiday pictures? Do you upload to social media? Make a photo album? Frame your favourites? Or forget about them?

I still love real photos & photo albums. The kids love browsing through them and remembering key holiday memories and places we have visited.

In a recent survey 29 per cent admit to leaving snaps on the computer. A further 29 per cent admit to not doing anything with them at all while over 14 per cent go as far as putting them in a separate folder on their phone.

When it came to making hard copies of the images, only 12.5 per cent of holidaymakers make the effort to get them printed. The remainder of us either create an album on our phones or share them on social media.

Why not do something with your special travel snaps? And then plan your next holiday adventure? has loads of long haul travel ideas and over 70 years experience. I would love to visit Mexico and Bali once the kids are a little older.  For you adventurous travellers you might want to take your little ones now and have a truly magical holiday to frame.

Destination 2 - Destinations


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Splash Park at the Embankment, Wellingborough

The Wellingborough splash park (also know as the Embankment splash park) is not far from Northampton and perfect to cool the kids off!  The splash park is a great FREE place to take the kids and a real asset to Northamptonshire.  It is open April to October.  For the most part it is only open on weekends but during the school holidays open daily 12 noon to 6pm.

It has water features, picnic tables and shelter from the sun,  Food and ice cream vans are usually parked nearby for refreshments.  There is free car parking, toilets and baby changing facilities.  Use postcode NN8 1LD to find the splash park.

Next door is a mini funfair (depending on time of year) with rides at £1 per token.

The website below gives you all the opening days and times if you want to check before visiting

Splash Park at the Embankment

Emma xxx

Why not join me on Facebook

Life in the Mum's Lane - Facebook

For days out ideas click on the link below for an interactive map and reviews

Days Out Now

Wellingborough Splash Park
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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Time for Goodbye - Short Story

Time for Goodbye
“What do you mean you haven’t told her yet?” Jane whispered quietly “We are supposed to be going next week.” Jane sighed and shook her head. “I understand it’s difficult.” She continued softly “but it’s been months and I know you and Lisa need this to be over. Everyone can finally say a proper goodbye. It’s for the best and the cottage is booked.”

“I know. It’s just she rarely answers the phone now a days and I haven’t had time to pop over.” Brian replied sounding anxious.

They didn’t realise I could hear them. I closed my eyes enjoying the sun streaming through the windows and imagined I was at the seaside. I loved the sea, the crashing waves, and bracing fresh air. I hadn’t been in a long while come to think if it. Not since Harry became ill. I shook my head dislodging the thought and tried to relax and enjoy the sunshine again but the moment had passed. I felt a familiar lump form in my throat and my eyes watered.

“Hey Mum.” I heard Brian say as he eventually entered the room, “How you doing?” I smiled and nodded. He came over to the chair I was sat in and perched uncomfortably on a small footstool. “Jane is just making a cup of tea.” As he finished the sentence Jane appeared with a tray, three mugs and a plate of biscuits. She also had a bunch of flowers wedged under her arm and struggled to open the door. I’ve always liked my daughter in law, she’s kind hearted, and I can see my son clearly loves her but we’ve never really gelled. I’ve always felt she looked down on me and Harry a little. I remember when Jane and Brain married I fretted for weeks about my outfit. I feared I would show Brian up and didn’t want to appear dowdy in the wedding photos. Of course Harry said I was being silly and Brain wouldn’t care if I showed up in my cleaners smock. The day had been lovely and even I had been pleased by my appearance in the photos.  Harry had looked fabulous in his suit and we’d reminisced about our own wedding day. The sound of the tray being put down dragged me back to the present.

“Mum we wanted to talk to you about dad.” Brian said holding my gaze, “Do you remember me saying about going on holiday?” I shrugged feeling confused. What holiday? What did Harry have to do with it? I saw Jane and Brain exchange a worried look. I sighed wishing I could go back to my seaside dream. “I’ve booked it. We go next week. All of us.”

“Mary it will be lovely.  We can have a stroll along the sea front and spend some time together. I think it will do you the world of good. You’ve been cooped up a lot lately.” Jane smiled.  “I’ll help you pack. Just let me know what you want to take. It’s only for 4 days but will be great. The boys are excited. We’ll take Harry and say goodbye.” I understood what they were talking about now. Various friends had told me it was time to move on. People seemed to think I was living in the past. I had been withdrawn but liked being home with my thoughts. “We’ve been worried about you Mary.” Jane said softly and stroked my arm, “The children have missed you.” I missed them too but just seemed to lack the energy and motivation.

“Mum we all need to move on. Dad would hate this.” I knew Brain was right but I wasn’t ready. I wanted more time. Jane and Brian chattered on about times and places but I didn’t take much notice. Later when they had left I noticed Jane had stocked the fridge with four cooked meals all neatly labelled. It was kind of her as I hadn’t much felt like cooking recently and I realised I was fortunate that she cared.

The following week I was picked up and our holiday began. The children excitedly babbled in the back of the car. Both boys said they were happy grampy was coming with us. I had mixed emotions. Their happiness was infectious however and I began to feel lighter than I had in weeks. Once we arrived at Hollowell Shores the boys raced off. Both needed to get rid of some energy after being stuck in the car for several hours. Jane unpacked and I surveyed the little cottage. It was in a beautiful location. A small play area was a few feet away and you could see the sea in the distance. Seagulls squawked overheard. My daughter Lisa appeared and hugged me tight. Lisa and Dave (her husband) had travelled in another car and arrived a few minutes after us. “Isn’t it lovely? I wonder if the beach huts are still there.” She said kissing my cheek. “It’s lovely to see you mum. I’ve missed you.”

 The day passed quickly and as night fell I had the best night’s sleep in months. The sea air seemed to have cleared my mind. The following day we went down to the beach. The beach huts were still there and it was a beautiful day. The waves gently lapped the shore and the sky was dotted with white fluffy clouds. The boys raced off looking for crabs. “Mum I think dad would love this.” Lisa said sliding an arm through mine. “It’s hardly changed.” As I stood looking at the sea I realised it was time to say goodbye. I had been selfish in my grief and removed myself from my family. I had worn my grief like an invisible coat and as the sun shone I realised it was time to take it off. “You’re right love.” I replied squeezing Lisa’s hand.

For the first time in 9 months I talked about Harry. We had brought Lisa and Brian to Hollowell Shores many times when they were young and memories came to me in vivid flashes. I laughed and cried as I recounted stories including an unfortunate incident involving a fishing hook and trip to the local hospital. Brian fetched the urn from the car and we all stood on the beach our feet getting wet as we let the ashes scatter into the sea. “Bye Grampy.” Oliver said eyes watering.

“Don’t get eaten by a shark.” James said smiling and waving. We all stood peacefully for a few moments before James continued “Or a seagull. I hate seagulls.” I laughed and ruffled his hair.

We enjoyed the rest of our break and Brian enquired about the beach huts. We put our name on the waiting list and vowed to return every year to have a family holiday with my beloved Harry.

Sometimes - Poem

Sometimes you feel like you're winning,
Other times you are just staying afloat.
Sometimes your temper is fraying,
Others you can smile throughout.

"Don't do that."
"Get dressed."
"Let's go"
"Stop hitting each other."
"Eat your dinner NOW!"

Little battles everyday,
Little victories too.
Parenthood is definitely challenging,
Rewarding and a test.

A smile,
A cry,
A hug,
A scream.

A kiss,
A shout,
A cheer,
A blame.

Remember sometimes we are winning,
Sometimes we are just staying afloat.
Tomorrow is always a new day,
So don't beat yourself up or worry.

Monday, 31 July 2017

Bewilderwood - Review

Last week we were holidaying in Norfolk and visited the lovely Bewilderwood.

Bewilderwood is a forest adventure park full of fairy houses, slides, swings and zip wires.

The park would suit most primary school age children.  Older children may still enjoy it with siblings as the zip wires and slippery slopes seemed to appeal to all ages.

The park is truly beautiful with so much attention to detail.  My son loved spotting the little houses & declared himself a twiggle. It is very easy to navigate the park and it is well signposted.

Highlights for us were the Skymaze, Slippery Slopes and the Swings.  My son also enjoyed some crafts in The Big Hat and we all enjoyed the little boat ride on the Scaaary Lake.

Unfortunately I had a leg injury so couldn't join in as much as I wanted but this means I can 100% confirm that the park is suitable for all.  I was worried about the uneven surfaces of a forest but it was fine with wide pathways.  It was a little hilly but perfectly manageable and I saw lots of buggies and a couple of wheelchairs and everyone was managing fine.

You can also listen to interactive storytelling which we didn't participate in but looked very engaging for the little ones.  My children as 6 and 10 and preferred all the running around and adventure.  There is also free face painting.

We ate in the park and for 5 of us it did work out expensive but you can take in picnics.  It was nice to see plenty of healthy options on the menu which was a very pleasant change from most family parks. 

I would highly recommend the park for an unusual, outdoors, back to nature family trip.  It's a shame we live so far away as I'd live to go back for The Glorious Glowing Lantern Parade which runs 14th October to 29th October.

Here's all the park details if you are planning a trip -

The park is open 10am to 5.30pm.  Last admission 4pm.
It is not open in the winter.  Closed November to February.
Prices these are if booked online prior to arriving -
Born to BeWILD (Under 92cm) Free
Almost WILD (92-105cm) £14.95
BeWILD Now (over 105cm)£16.95
Used to BeWILD (65 years+) £8.95

The park address is Horning Road, Hoveton, Norfolk, NR12 8JW.
Telephone number 01692 633033
Website BeWILDerwood

Disclaimer: We received tickets for free in exchange for a review.  All thoughts are my own.

Check out Days Out Now for more family day out ideas.

Days Out Now


Sunday, 25 June 2017

New crush!

I have a new crush. It's OK though its a celebrity I'll never meet & in reality would be doomed.  I actually don't fancy many celebs as a lot if them seem like knobs.

Joel  step forward.

I didn't know of his existence until I'm a celebrity get me out of here but by the end of the series really liked him.

Move forward several months & after seeing his stand up show I now love him.

He was hilarious, warm and bloody gorgeous!

In reality he's far too sculpted. See his Instagram for top of amazingness. He'd need to eat some pies or my mum tum would be a serious issue 😊

Who's your celeb crush?

Love Emma xxx

P.s since seeing his ACTUAL girlfriend my fantasy romance is over. She's too bloody perfect & I feel inferior even in my head! Stupid gorgeous slim, tall, perfect hair women.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Getting Married? No thanks.

Miss or Mrs?

Not married then?


Don't fancy being a wife?

No I do not!

From an early age I knew I didn't want to get married. I remember it being discussed at upper school and I was already set on being unmarried. The thought of being someone's wife never appealed. It felt like being someone's possession. I never understood why the woman's surname and title changed but the man's didn't.

On paper you can tell a woman has a husband.  You can't tell if a man has a wife. This never sat well with me.

I also don't really like the term wife.

Now I'm older I still have the same viewpoint but its not my main concern. I  have occasionally gone along with being Mrs Jones as it can be easier.

If you want to be married that's fine. If you don't that's also fine. Weddings are fun. Who doesn't like a party with their friends and family and drinking, eating and dancing?

BUT for me the BIG thing is I just don't understand what being married is for! What does it do? What's the point?

I've been with my partner 14 years. We have a house. We have 2 children. What difference would being married make?

I've heard some people say its because as a family they want the same name but a deed poll would sort that out.

Others have said its the commitment but how much more committed can you be than by having children together.

Stability but why are you more stable married than unmarried? It's easier to divorce than get a mortgage nowadays.

It really does puzzle me.  I'm not a marriage basher but its genuinely not for me. I'm very happy living in sin.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Motherhood is........part 3

Motherhood is.........

Having to always have a snack/drink to hand. Heaven forbid your children don't eat for an hour.

Making sure said snack/drink is healthy.

Well most of the time!

Always having to know where the nearest toilet is.

Always making sure everyone uses the toilet before any journey.

I mean ANY journey!

Thinking crafts will be fun & the spending days clearing up glitter & beads & cursing yourself.

Failing to remember the last time you saw a film over a PG rating.

Emma xxx


Saturday, 4 March 2017

Fractured - Short Story


“For goodness sake! Why didn’t you call?” Melanie said sounding agitated,

“It was only a little fall. Nothing to worry about.” I replied trying not to let my irritation show,

“But mum you are in plaster. That’s hardly nothing is it?” I sighed looking at my daughter. She looked cross, harassed and worried. This was exactly why I hadn’t called her. I’d arranged a lift home and felt fine. Unfortunately a nurse had checked my next of kin details and called her without my knowledge. The nurse had probably thought she’d been doing the right thing.

I was home with my leg propped up and my daughter was busy in the kitchen. She had brought me a drink and some snacks on a tray. I could hear her banging about in the kitchen and the sound of something cooking on the hob. I’d tried to stop her. I was more than capable but she’d just told me to rest and I could see her mind was set. I knew Melanie worried and I loved her dearly but today her presence was making me feel like a burden. Since her dad, my beloved husband Jim had died three years ago she had called me like clockwork three times a week and we went for coffee most Saturday mornings. It’s like she thought I couldn’t cope alone. I missed Jim dearly but had surprised myself with a steely independence and had managed to build a strong support network of friends. Jim had been my rock and we had gone everywhere together but I’d coped better than I ever imagined. I still thought about him daily but it was always happy thoughts. I was just reminiscing about our last holiday together when Melanie interrupted my thoughts. “Earth to mum. Hey are you ok?”

“Sorry love was just thinking.”

“Oh. Are you ok?”

“Yes my love. Was thinking about your dad?” Melanie smiled continuing, “Do you remember when he broke his ankle falling over the cat? I’ve never heard him curse so much. I never think he forgave Charlie.”

“No that poor cat avoided him for weeks.” I laughed remembering the accident vividly. Melanie sighed seemingly lost in thought but then visibly shook herself off.

“I’ve made a quick shepherd’s pie. It’s just browning in the oven and the washing is on the line. So how exactly did you hurt yourself?” She settled herself on the sofa and her face relaxed,

“I was at the community centre for our ballroom dancing session…..”

“I thought ballroom dancing was supposed to be sedate.” Melanie said interrupting and laughing softly,

“Well it is but we were learning a new routine and I just lost my footing and fell awkwardly. Could have happened anywhere. It’s not a bad fracture. The doctors said it should heal well.”

“That’s good. When I got the call from the hospital I panicked. You really should have phoned.”

“Mel it was all under control. A friend took me down and stayed with me for a while and then Pam picked me up. I feel absolutely fine.”

“I’m so glad it wasn’t worse. I’ll pop and see you tomorrow.”

“There’s really no need love. Pam is going to come round for coffee and I can always ring Becky she’s only up the road.”

“Are you sure mum? It’ll be difficult on crutches living alone.”

“I’m fine love. You are busy. You don’t need to pop round.” After dishing up the shepherd’s pie and clearing the plates Melanie left and I relaxed. I needed to talk to her but now was not the time. I’d been dreading her spotting the holiday brochures under the coffee table. I wanted to tell her but was worried about her reaction. For the past 6 months I’d been seeing a lovely man called David. We had met at the community dances over a year ago and become firm friends. To start with it was purely companionship but had developed into something more. He had given me a new zest for life. It was partly his fault I fell today I remembered smiling. He’d convinced me to give Salsa dancing a go and I’d borrowed some higher heels for the afternoon. A mixture of speed, lack of experience and higher shoes lead to my downfall. It was a bit embarrassing but everyone was lovely and shared jokes about me being swept of my feet.  So far I’ve not discussed David with Melanie although I have mentioned him when discussing a collective group of friends. Pam thinks I’m being silly but I’m worried about how she’ll react.  She was so close to her dad.

Several weeks passed and I failed to talk to Melanie about David and our holiday plans. We’d settled on a cruise that left from Southampton and went around the Mediterranean. I’d always wanted to go on a cruise but Jim had hated boats. Two other couples were going to come. I was growing increasingly excited about it all but needed to discuss it was Mel before booking. 

One Friday Mel popped round to share a take away and watch a film when she unexpectedly mentioned going away. “I’ve been thinking mum. Do you fancy going to the Isle of Wight or maybe Spain? I could have a week off work and we could go away together.”

“Oh…I…Um….” I stammered.

“Don’t you like the idea? Obviously we’ll wait till your cast is off.”

“It’s not that love. It’s just I…Um…I might be going away already.”

“Really? With Pam? You didn’t mention it.” Mel said surprised,

“I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’ve meet a chap called David. We are planning to go away together. They’ll be six of us including Pam. It’s a cruise.” I blurted hurriedly feeling strangely nervous.

“You’re dating? How long?” Melanie said looking stunned,

“Um…about 6 months.” I said blushing,

“Mum! Why didn’t you tell me? That’s fantastic news. I’m delighted. Dad always said he didn’t want you to be alone. Where did you meet your fancy man then? Spill the beans. Did he have something to do with your fall?” she indicated my leg and grinned,

“Oh Mel I’m so glad you are pleased. I was worried about telling you. I met him a while ago through the community centre but it’s slowly developed. He’s a lovely man. We were at a salsa class when I fell.” I said smiling,

“What are you like?” Mel said laughing. She shook her head gently and sighed. “Mum I can’t believe you were worried about telling me. I’ve only ever wanted you to be happy. You’re too young to spend the rest of your life alone. I’d like to meet him though before you sail of into the sunset.”

We settled into a long conversation and I showed her some pictures. A week later following the removal of my cast we all got together and had a lovely evening meal. We poured over the brochure and I was delighted when Mel decided to join on us on the cruise with Pam’s daughter Kelly. I decided breaking my leg had been fate and said a silent thank you and began counting down the days till the now much anticipated cruise.