Thursday, 20 August 2015

Pink hair - I finally did it! Crazy Color review

For a few weeks I've been umming & ahhing about dying my hair pink.

I originally liked purple but after some research it is v bright to start with & the lilac shade will only work on v blonde (platinum) hair.

My hair is half highlights half natural which is dark blonde or light brown depending on your point of view. On the hairdresser colour chart I'm Ash Blonde.

My highlighted hair colour.
I bought Crazy Color Marshmallow as wanted something subtle & it did absolutely NOTHING!!! It is v light and could barely be seen on my hair once applied. After washing it disappeared entirely.

I therefore decided to get Crazy Color Pinkissimo. I did roughly half head (underneath) and one large stripe on top as I was curious how it would turn out. I left it for approx 30 mins although I did get distracted by my son so it may have been a tiny bit longer.

This is what it looked like wet.

Love how it looks up.

Bit patchy but you can't tell when its brushed & normal.

I love the results. I didn't get to my hair line properly but as its underneath you can't tell.

Crazy Color is £4.00 a pot on their website but I got mine from eBay which cost £3.15 and £3.25. There are numerous colours some of which are extremely vibrant but I'd be too nervous to try them.

Crazy Color Marshmellow

I got a hair dye brush for £0.99 also on eBay.

I didn't have plastic gloves so used sandwich bags ha ha!!! Worked rather well.

I'm not sure how long it will last especially as I wash my hair daily. They are semi permanent dyes so wash out gradually.

I'll keep you posted.

Hope this helps any newbie Crazy Color buyers.

Happy hair colouring.

Emma xxx

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Lego Jurassic World Main Hall T Rex L not working

Not my usual blog post but thought it might help someone.

Lego Jurassic World Glitch

Main hall
End sequence
T Rex fight
L not working         

My son got this game for his birthday and we got to this section & nothing. I was at the point of giving up but after googling found other people had the same issue. It must be a glitch in the game.  Some people said to press A & D I assume this is for keyboard players.  I therefore tried L & R and it worked. Yippee!!!        

Press Left & Right quickly and T Rex will start to shake his head & cut scene will begin.

Happy playing.

Emma xxx