Thursday, 7 April 2016

Secrets and Lies

As I'm secretly packing the kids clothes for a mini break which they don't know about it, it got me thinking of all the little secrets and lies we tell our kids.

The biggest and best is Santa, Father Christmas, St Nick. I'm not sure my daughter 100% believed Christmas just gone. She is now 9 in and I'm sure she was just going with the Christmas flow. But how do I know? I can't really ask her? It's a parenting dilemma. The 5 year old is still firmly in the believing camp phew!

Tooth fairy. When does this stop? When all the milk teeth have fallen out? I once wrote my daughter a note from the tooth fairy in swirly multicoloured writing. She was thrilled! The 5 year old is eagerly awaiting his first wobbly tooth. Is £1 still acceptable?

Easter bunny. Thankfully I didn't go the whole hog with this & haven't made up a huge tale of giant bunnies which if you think about it would be quite terrifying.  I remember being scared of a rabbit mask when I was young. It was the teeth!

I have eyes in the back of my head. I say this often. My kids believe me. My daughter is amazed I can tell if she's sucking her thumb without looking and my son can't figure out how I can tell he's behind me.

You can only have fruit. Not a secret but I often say they can eat fruit as a snack if it's getting late. I however eat chocolate & biscuits instead of the healthy fruit! My children are definitely healthier than me.

We'll go without you. Obviously a big fat lie. You won't leave. You can't. Otherwise social services might turn up! This is sometimes uttered to the 5 year old. Through gritted teeth with steam coming out of my ears. Thankfully most outings are now successful we can usually leave the house without war erupting.

Emma xxx



  1. ah yes, so true. It all a part of parenting though and most of it, like santa and the tooth fairy, is fun for the kids.

  2. My biggest lie has to be "maybe later." I use that one a lot!

  3. very true! i probably lie more than i realise! #thelist

  4. I remember when I figured out that santa wasn't real. I saw some of the labels that 'santa' had written for us and noticed that 'santa' had mums handwriting! I was kind of suspicious by then anyways, so it wasn't such a big deal. It is a difficult choice to make as a parent though. I dread having to come clean to my son when the time comes.

  5. We do tell a lot of fibs to our children don't we? We don't do the easter bunny delivering eggs, I didn't know that was a thing until recently and I feel like our kids are missing out a bit, we always just let them pick their eggs from the supermarket. #kcacols

    1. Think the Easter bunny has definitely gained momentum the last few years. We did an Easter egg hunt at a local country park this year which was fun.

  6. I feel bad for fibbing sometimes, but the celebration ones just make the days so magical. The fruit one though, well, it's for their own good ;) When we were kids my dad would always tell us we were having pop with dinner to get us all excited, then reveal it would be 'council pop' (tap water)!

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday x

    1. Ha ha I remember council pop. Yeah father Christmas etc is special although part of me will be glad when I don't have to shop/wrap and hide presents and nearly have a heart attack putting it all around the tree Christmas eve in ninja style silence. X

  7. My son is ten and I think this was the last year for believing Santa, sadly! Most of his friends have given up on the idea and he's coming to the gradual realisation for himself. So you cam imagine my surprise when he asked me what the Easter bunny would bring this year! Lol it's a weird inbetween age but I'm keen to keep the magic for as long as possible. #KCACOLS

    1. Wow yeah! My daughter hasn't said anything but it's just a few looks and little comments I can't be sure but I think the game is up. X

  8. Oh the amount of little porkies I tell my two throughout the day to get them to eat, put their coats on and numerous other things too! It works though and does no harm so it's not all bad and makes life a bit easier and quicker to get out the door at times! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    1. A few little lies can work wonders and be a good parenting technique although I sometimes find it exhausting coming up with secret hiding places for presents or packing an entire suitcase in secret! It worked though. The kids had no idea we were going away at the weekend was lovely to see their suprise. X

  9. I have lost count how many things I say to achieve a result it's part of being a parent surely lol Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  10. My boss gave me the tip of talking to friends, family and schools etc to 1) get the stories straight on each of the big ones (Father Christmas, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy) and 2) get the going rate for the Tooth Fairy agreed so there's less chance of "but Tim gets £10 for a tooth, why does the tooth fairy only give me £1?!"



    1. I'm hoping the tooth fairy is still £1 can't afford £10 ha ha!!! X

  11. So true! I can't count the number of fibs we have told our kids. But, it comes with territory. We are heading into tooth fairy territory again here, don't really care what inflation is, she is getting 1! #kcacols

  12. Ha ha! As my son is only 22mo i can tell him anything and he would believe me but, at the same time, he doesn't understand either! Ha ha! #KCACOLS

  13. My favourite is "No, we don't have any treats" *eats all the treats* #KCACOLS

  14. haha all very true. I ask myself the same questions!! My eldest daughter loved Xmas and Father Xmas. It is actually very sweet! We have not done the Fairy Tooth yet but I have the feeling this will happen soon. I'll also like to know how much is acceptable!! LOL We didn't discuss too much about the Easter bunny here but we did discuss a lot about the chocolates!! LOL The last one, we say that all the time and is so obvious that we will never do that!! lol Now I'm intrigued to know where are you going away, is it somewhere nice? Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. It is always so lovely to have you!! Hope to see you again tomorrow!! :-) xx

    1. We went on a seaside caravan break to Skegness as a treat to the kids. Off to Lanzarote in May so just wanted a mini break. Was so nice to spend some proper time together & the kids loved it. My son is 5 & thinks caravans are amazing. Xx

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