Friday, 16 November 2018

Foodbank Awareness in Northampton

I wanted to raise some awareness of food banks.  Unfortunately they are still needed and at Christmas time a lot of food bank charities ask for extra donations.  Your donations will help families & individuals in need.

For the last 3 years I have given a small donation to the Trussell Trust using the text service.  You can text FBUK14 plus the amount E.G. FBUK14 £5

You can make donations in several ways and there's loads of information on their website.  Links below.

In 2017 I found out about a local charity called Restore Northampton. 

Unfortunately hunger is not just a third world problem, right now in Northampton there are many people living on the edge of poverty and The Food Bank has been able to help 1000's households and families who have experienced a crisis of some type.  The Food Bank provides emergency packages for local families and individuals.

So I decided to make a food donation instead.  I took this to the centre on Sheep Street, Northampton (I had a slight problem with entry!!! If you go use the back door.) Donations can be taken Tuesday & Thursday 1-3pm. (Do check as this information was for 2017)

They have a suggested food list on their website which I have included for information.  It is mostly tins, dried food items and toiletries.  They are also running an advent calendar campaign.  They suggest a food item each day for you to collect and the full box is then donated on the 24th December. Suggested items so far are biscuits, nappies, coffee, toothpaste, tinned meat, shower gel and deodorant.

There are 14 locations for food donations.  The website has all the details.

Another local charity is the Hope Centre tacking homeslessness and poverty in Northampton.  In Northampton there are 60 rough sleepers every night. You can donate money or food/clothes but they do have specific requirements so please check first.
. If you are able or interested in donating you can click on the links for more info.

Thanks for reading

Emma xxx

Merry Christmas


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