Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Rock hunting Northampton. Have you joined in the rock hunt craze?

I first heard about rock hunting (rocking) in October 2017 via a BBC Three Counties Facebook post see original video here Have you taken part in a rock hunt yet? But it wasn't until recently I discovered how popular rock hunting has become in Northampton.

The Kindness Rocks Project and Love on the Rocks appear to be among the first rocking communities but now there are hundreds of groups mostly on Facebook.

You basically decorate a rock with an image or positive message and hide it (paint, hide and find).  Someone then finds your rock, posts a picture on social media if able/wants to and then hides for someone else to discover.  It is spreading some cheer and making someone smile.  It is a super easy craft activity to do with the kids with minimal materials needed.

I have recently decided to join in and have labelled my rocks with Life in the Mum's Lane as I thought it would be fantastic way to do a craft project with the kids (I'm not a crafty mum) spread some smiles and possibly find some Northamptonshire mums who might like my page as its all about local days out and parenting humour.

Rock decorating ideas
It's actually been more addictive than I thought decorating our little rocks.  My next batch will have some positive messages inspired by The Kindness Rocks Project.

Some we found & rehid 
If you want to join in all you need is some rocks, sharpies, acrylic paint or similar and varnish is optional but will mean your designs won't wash away.  I bought my rocks from Homebase a massive bag was £9.99 (we did find some at the beach but left them in a bucket with bacon from a failed crabbing trip so had to discard them!) my daughter already had sharpies and I bought some excellent pens called Posca. I only got 5 but already want more colours.

Rock decorating ideas

Rock decorating ideas

Rock decorating ideas
If you would like to join in and are looking for a Northampton group on Facebook Northampton Rocks has 800 members, Northamptonshire Rocks has 3300 and Love on the Rocks Duston has 700.  These were the biggest Northampton communities I found but there were loads including Hardingstone & Wooton, East Hunsbury, Hunsbury and Eastern District Rocks.

Why not join in and have some fun and make someone smile.

Emma xxx

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