Friday, 17 June 2016

Mother's day vs father's day

Mother’s Day vs Father’s Day

The morning breakfast –


Kids wake you up at the crack of dawn. After much shoving, moaning & duvet hogging dad says “Let’s give mum a lie in.” He kisses you and you smile sighing deeply and spreading out in the bed. They all trundle downstairs. Few minutes later you hear cupboard doors banging and yells. “Where does mum keep the small saucepan?” Followed by “Quick sign this card. Where’s a biro?”

Eventually peace resumes until the smoke alarm goes off startling you. “Don’t worry just burnt the toast.” A yell up the stairs announces. A few minutes later the door bursts open. A lovely breakfast is presented to you. You appreciate the gesture but would have preferred another hour’s sleep. The kids drink most of your juice, eat half your toast but you smile lovingly as a bunch flowers are offered, your youngest gives you a beautiful card they made a school and your partner gives you a hastily wrapped package which is a CD of a group you only vaguely recognise.

Kids wake you up at the crack of dawn. You quietly and quickly shoo them downstairs. Your partner barely notices. You give the kids some cereal, have a quick shower, nip out quickly to buy a newspaper and then make a proper breakfast. You take it upstairs were your partner enjoys the peace, paper and food and kids remain downstairs watching the telly. The present you bought is a new pair of trainers he’s been looking at for weeks.

The Day-

Later you go to visit your own mum taking the youngest child with you. You partner gives his mum a brief call and then settles in front of the football. On the way you detour to get some flowers, a little bit of shopping and petrol. You tell your partner you’ll be back by 5 and then you can all go to your favourite restaurant for dinner. You don’t see his panicked face as you leave. At your mum’s you end up making lunch, doing the dishes and having a lovely chat.


Later you go to visit your own dad taking all the children with you. You end up going to the retail park as the eldest suddenly announces he needs new football boots. Your partner is at home watching the football. He’s had a brief chat with his dad which mainly consisted of the football scores and an accumulator bet. You ring his favourite restaurant to double check the booking for this evening. At your dad’s you make lunch, go for a walk with the dog and have a nice catch up.

The Evening-


You get home feeling tired and flop on the sofa. Your partner makes you a cup of tea and sighs. He’s forgotten to book the restaurant and they are not reserving anymore tables. Inwardly you seethe but outwardly say a takeaway will be fine. After a lengthy family discussion you settle on Pizza which is your least favourite. On the plus side your partner did remember your favourite wine although you suspect he popped out to get it earlier and no one has to drive. After pizza and wine you fall asleep on the sofa.


You get home feeling tired and flop on the sofa. You offer your partner a cup of coffee. After a brief rest you all get ready and leave for dinner. Your partner is thrilled you got a table has several beers whilst you sip coke being the designated driver. Once home your partner kisses you, thanks you for a wonderful day and falls asleep on the sofa.

A few days later -

Your partner has booked your favourite restaurant as a surprise and you are genuinely touched. You have a lovely time especially as it’s not that busy. At home you sort out the washing and your partner puts the kids to bed before getting you a drink and you settle down to watch your favourite programme.

Emma xxx



  1. Yes this is definitely how it goes in my house, with the added extra of waking up at 5.30am to feed the baby. #binkylinky

  2. haha! you have written down exactly how the 'days' go in our house too if the kids were still little... Except Ive now learnt my lesson, and book the restaurant myself AND buy my own present - because otherwise I wouldn't get one lol - and fortunately my kids are old enough to remember to buy their own cards, so he really has NOTHING to do haha! His day is perfect of course, because well... I did it all didn't I lol - love this! #binkylinky

  3. Haha so it's a universal thing then. Very funny read, brightened up my morning #justanotherlinky

  4. Haha so it's a universal thing then. Very funny read, brightened up my morning #justanotherlinky

  5. Mother's Day doesn't even go this smoothly in our house and this Father's Day he's off out at lunchtime with the lads as they're going to a gig later in the evening so we'll only see him in the morning! It's a good job I love him :) #JustAnotherLinky

  6. This pretty much sounds like our house. Although this year it's an exception we were all up and out the house before 9am to head into London!

    Thank you so much for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again next week x

  7. Wonderful post just like our house thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  8. Thanks everyone hope you've all had a good day. We managed a BBQ before the weather turned chillier. Happy Fathers day. xxx

  9. Thanks everyone hope you've all had a good day. We managed a BBQ before the weather turned chillier. Happy Fathers day. xxx

  10. Fab post, really enjoyed reading his. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  11. Ha! I laughed so hard as I read this. By some miracle, my mother's day gift came kids slept until 7am yesterday! Letting my husband sleep in wasn't so bad for once.

  12. Neither of us get a lie in but I did take a nap on mother's day. No football in this house and mother's day was a much more thoughtful present than what I cobbled together for him. I'm starting to feel a little ashamed actually ;) #KCACOLS

  13. Haha this is all very true!! Thanks for linking up to #JustAnotherLinky xx

  14. hehe pretty much spot on! although to be fair, fathers day has been a bit of a write off for the last two years. one year I was sick and in bed all day and this year it was b's birthday - so it was all about the boy really! #KCACOLS

  15. So true. Except for my first (and only so far) Mother's Day I got no gift whatsoever, a card that said 'Happy Birthday' inside and an argument with the husband!! #KCACOLS

  16. Haha! Sounds about right! & for birthdays! #KCACOLS
