Tuesday, 30 August 2016

How to make BFG (Roald Dahl) Ears, Horn and Waistcoat

This September 13th will be Roald Dahl's 100th Birthday.  To celebrate schools are having Roald Dahl themed days.

Our school has asked children to dress up as characters from any Roald Dahl book. I'm not a crafty mum so usually opt for the buying option but with two children this can be costly.  I did find a BFG costume for a bargain £6 at Asda but for the last 3 weeks its been out of stock so I bit the bullet and made my own.

We went for BFG as its extremely popular at the moment due to the film and I figured it might be fairly easy.  Strangely though my 9 year old was unfamiliar with the story which reminds me I must buy the book.

I used some old cream wallpaper, brown parcel tape, paint and some plain headbands.  I got mine from poundland for £1.  The tape was £2.60.  Everything else I had in the house.

To make the waistcoat
  • I cut out 2 rectangles using the wallpaper (I roughly measured the children)
  • We then covered one side of each piece in brown parcel tape.
  • I then cut one piece in half, cut a V and stuck the shoulder's together & had a fit.
  • I then shaped the shoulders and arm holes a little.
  • I cut a small v in the back just so it wasn't as rigid.
  • Voila a very handmade BFG inspired waistcoat.
Another way would be to get a plain brown t shirt.  Cut the sleeves off and cut up the front.

To make the ears

  • I used the same wallpaper and cut out a rough ear shape.
  • We painted them pink on both sides.
  • We then did a rough black outline for the inner ear.
  • I cut a slim tab and then stuck each ear to the £1 headbands.

BFG DIY ears

BFG make your own ears

To make the horn
  • Again same paper cut into a rough square.
  • We painted with a bronzy brown.
  • Once dry I rolled it up and snipped the ends.
  • Very basic but does the job.
Both children will wear a plain white top and any old bottoms.  My daughter has some sand art jars which we will use as dream jars and we may take fishing nets as an extra accessory.

BFG DIY costume for World Book Day

I hope this proves useful especially for you less crafty mums like me. 

Good luck with your costumes.

Happy Roald Dahl day.

Emma xxx



  1. This is so good! My daughter loves BFG (and everything Roald Dahl) I'm going to see if I can dress my toddler up as the BFG to make my little girl laugh!


  2. I think the BFG is my all time favourite Roald Dahl story!! This tutorial is fab, because a lot of people struggle with crafts, and not everyone wants to buy a costume every time!! I'd like to think I'll turn my hand to making costumes, but I fear I may be awful at it...! I will definitely save this for when the time comes! Your children look fab, and I love the idea of them taking jars to be the dream catchers!! Fab!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That looks great! My son loves the BFG and I'm going to try to dress him up as the BFG to make him smile. As it is easy for me because I have completed my bachelors degree in Arts. On the other side, now I'm learning animation skills so that I can get into a typography animation production agency that will help me to brighten my future.
