Thursday, 18 August 2016

Legoland Windsor Review - Family Travel

We finally visited LEGOLAND Windsor on the 11th August as a surprise for the children and because my son was 6 on the 12th.

We used a promo voucher for 2 free children with 2 full paying adults.  This still cost an unbelievable £115.80. Adult on the gate price £55.40 and £5 parking.

I was slightly outraged that you don't even get free parking but did know from the website. Honestly Lego do you not think that's a bit greedy!!!

The park was very busy as it is the summer holidays but the kids LOVED IT!  We didn't have time to do half of the rides or even see the entire park but they didn't moan. Some of the queues were over an hour long but they seemed happy enough Lego spotting as we waited.  Most rides were good and worth the wait however the Balloon School in the Lego City Zone was a long wait for a boring ride.  If you are short on time give it a miss.

My kids loved the Lego city driving school and Coastguard HQ.  As a family we loved the Viking River Splash.  3 of us loved the Jolly Rocker but my son was a little terrified which was a shame!  I think he's still traumatised from Disneyland Paris but that's another story.

Unfortunately due to the queue times we missed huge chunks of the park but everything we saw looked clean, well maintained and colourful.  The attention to detail is amazing.  My daughter loved the Lego Friends zone. I'd heard about problems with wasps but this was not an issue on our visit.

Miniland is brilliant although some buildings are now looking a little faded.

There is honestly so much to see and do if you can get a 2 day pass I think it would be worth it. We all LOVED it and definitely need a second trip.

For all you Tesco clubcard fans it is enormously worth it for LEGOLAND.  A lady we got chatting to in a queue got in for £13 per person with her points and another lady got in for £26 per person but rated Chessington more. This is an enormous saving on the online or gate prices.

We made a fatal mistake and didn't take food.  Prices inside are obviously expensive. We spent £26 on a baguette meal deals for the 4 of us.  This wasn't too bad as the food was nice but our plan had been to stop at a Tesco express or M & S and stock up but we didn't pass one for miles!  If you visit definitely take food. Loads of families had hampers, rucksacks etc full of snacks and drinks.

We are hoping to go again as we have tickets for 2 free adults between 08/09/16 and 07/10/16.  I think the catch is that we have to pay full price for the kids but will still work out cheaper than a normal family price and we'll be able to do all the things we missed out.  I really was a brilliant day out and I thoroughly recommend. Definitely add it to your day trip list.

Does anyone know if its quieter on a Saturday or Sunday?

We would like to go in the week but kids back at school and I'm not sure I'd get away with taking them out for a day to visit LEGOLAND although the shorter queues are VERY tempting.

Emma xxx
P.s Will be returning August 19th/20th 2018 hoping it not quite as busy!

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  1. I do love a honest post. I think Legoland prices are shocking and i certainly wouldn't pay full price. Shame about the queues too, we had the same when we visited last year

  2. So glad I spotted this in my timeline- Spud is desperate to go for his 8th birthday in September but I am SO put off by everyone's comments about the queues! I *think* I've convinced him to a theatre/dinner London day instead!!! I feel a bit guilty but it's just extortionate (even with 2-4-1 vouchers, which we have) for a day where the kids have to spend so long queuing and the parents have to try to pacify them. If we do go I might look into queue jump passes, more money but possibly worth it as we can only go in school holidays too. Thanks for the honest review x

  3. The first time we visited it was amazing, we stayed in the Legoland hotel had early access to the park because of this and we went in one of the coldest Marches on record ha! It was also raining all day and around 2 degrees... there were no queues at all and we loved every second of it.
    The second time we actually went with Lisa of the Love of A Captain blog who has also commented ;) and her little family and it was so shockingly busy it was a bit ridiculous and we got on hardly anything. If we ever go again it will be on a school day when it is raining and cold ;)
    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x
