Not married then?
Don't fancy being a wife?
No I do not!
From an early age I knew I didn't want to get married. I remember it being discussed at upper school and I was already set on being unmarried. The thought of being someone's wife never appealed. It felt like being someone's possession. I never understood why the woman's surname and title changed but the man's didn't.
On paper you can tell a woman has a husband. You can't tell if a man has a wife. This never sat well with me.
I also don't really like the term wife.
Now I'm older I still have the same viewpoint but its not my main concern. I have occasionally gone along with being Mrs Jones as it can be easier.
If you want to be married that's fine. If you don't that's also fine. Weddings are fun. Who doesn't like a party with their friends and family and drinking, eating and dancing?
BUT for me the BIG thing is I just don't understand what being married is for! What does it do? What's the point?
I've been with my partner 14 years. We have a house. We have 2 children. What difference would being married make?
I've heard some people say its because as a family they want the same name but a deed poll would sort that out.
Others have said its the commitment but how much more committed can you be than by having children together.
Stability but why are you more stable married than unmarried? It's easier to divorce than get a mortgage nowadays.
It really does puzzle me. I'm not a marriage basher but its genuinely not for me. I'm very happy living in sin.