Saturday, 13 February 2016

Internet safety for children

My children had an Internet safety week at school.

They had discussions about using the Internet & stranger danger.

A large part of the Internet safety was aimed at the 5-7 year old.  Our children are using the Internet at much younger ages so need to be aware.  My own children are 5 and 9 and use the Internet almost daily. They both love YouTube and minecraft.

The school showed them a video and for us parents a useful website.  The link is below

Think you Know - Internet Safety

Some top tips to share with your children are -

Always ask a grown up before you use the internet so they can make sure you are accessing proper sites.

Don’t tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. This is very important.

Don’t send pictures. Your grown up can do this if you are sharing with friends or family.

Tell a grown up if you feel unhappy about anything you see whilst online. 

My 5 year old loved the song available on the website and it encouraged a good discussion about Internet safety. I'd already discussed it but this reinforced the issue.

It might be worth having a browse if you have primary school age children.

Emma xxx



  1. Ooh I'm so happy to see a post about this - I've been involved in Safer Internet Day on 9th February in my day job and it's such a struggle to try and make parents and children more aware of the dangers of being online. Great post! X #justanotherlinky
    Blogging at Boo & Maddie

  2. Thank you so much for your comment Lins. Lifeinthemumslane

  3. Thanks for sharing lovely. I think Internet security is critical nowadays. My oldest is only 3 and already likes an occasional nosy at You Tube (Kinder Eggs!? *shakes head*) Dawn x

    1. What is it with unwrapping kinder eggs kids find entertaining!?! ;) x

  4. We have been doing this with our 6 year old this week and we had to come up with a family pledge that she could share with her school. I think that it is very important nowadays that children learn about the dangers and how to be safe on the internet from an early age #kacols

    1. Definitely important nowadays. Made me realise how much we all use the internet.

  5. This is great - I think you really have to be aware of what is going on these days. Thanks for sharing. #KCACOLS

  6. Great post! Never too young to learn Internet safety. On World Read Aloud Day, Feb. 24/16, the children's picture Ebook "Beware of the Nice Strange Man" will be free on Amazon.

  7. I remember doing stranger danger at school - scary that a new wave of security needs to be learn with the rise of the Internet but thank goodness it's covered and taught. Thank you for sharing the boy is (only just) too little but it won't be long...Internet safety is SOOO important. #KCACOLS

  8. Internet safety is so important these days as it is used so widely. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  9. There are so many tools lately to help us with internet safety. YouTube has a new app for kids which is perfect as everytime that Bella is watching a video I know now that they will prompt only videos for her age. This has been great for us. Also we have a device that controls what she searches in safari or chrome so it is great as we always know what she is doing. We also can time her time when using the internet. It is great. There is also a Desktop sofware that we have when she uses the PC (it is not often but when she does we know she is safe). I have done a review of both products if you would like to check on them. This subject is very important for us as my hubby and I are tech people and we love our devices so our girls see us and want to copy us so we need to be prepared. I will have a look to that website. Thanks so much lovely for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I would love to see you again on Sunday! :-) x
