Saturday, 5 November 2016

Dinosaur DNA sets review

We were lucky enough to get a Stegosaurus  Dinosaur DNA kit to review from Ryman Stationary.

The kit is priced around £14.99.

As of todays date it is only £9.99 via Ryman Stationary so it might be a good time to grab a Christmas bargain.  The link below will take you to there page.

Dinosaur DNA

Now onto the product. My kids LOVED it! It is aimed at 8+ but my 6 and 9 year old both loved it.

The block of clay is quite hard and it took a while to get the pieces out but this was part of the fun although I did have to help.  The kids loved revealing pieces as we dug into the clay block. It was quite dusty but I just had it on a large sheet of paper which I shook into the bin.

Our kit had 9 pieces of dinosaur to discover plus the DNA code. It was a little tricky to put together so adult help will be required but the kids love the finished dinosaur which has been named 'Steggy'. It glows in the dark and is a fun little item.

To use the interactive play mat you need to download the app Dinocodes for free via Apple store or Google play.

I found the app didn't work fully. We got the fun facts, sound and dino feet but not the full image. The second play may with the tornado did seem to work fine. This didn't really bother my children but might be something to look into.

On the whole I think it is a great product and would be a huge hit for any dino fans.  My daughter reckons several class mates would like one.

There are 3 different dino kits. Tyrannosauras, Stegosaurus and Tricerotops. I think I'll purchase a second kit for Christmas.

Hope this has been useful and provides some Christmas idea inspiration.

Emma xxx

Disclaimer: I received this product for free in exchange for a review.  Opinions are 100% my own.

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