Saturday, 26 October 2019

Northampton Active - White Water Rafting

Recently Northampton Active got in touch about visiting to try White Water Rafting.  It's something I've never tried before and a place I've drove pass many times and wondered what about so decided it was a big fat yes!

Myself and daughter (12) turned up at Northampton Active on a very grey rainy Saturday morning not quite sure what to expect.

After quickly signing in you go upstairs to watch a short information video.  It is up here any family or friends not taking part can stay dry and grab a cuppa.

The video was informative & fun and then it was time to get suited up for your 2 hour session.

To help keep you warm a wetsuit is worn over your own swimming costume/shorts and then a jacket is worn over the top, life jacket and helmet.  Wear shoes you don't mind getting wet, some old trainers will do the job perfectly. Once suited up it is swiftly down to the course & into your raft.  The rafts were bigger than I expected, 100% safe and easy to get in & out of.  My daughter was a little nervous of falling out but the instructor noticed this immediately and reassured her.

Northampton Active - White Water Rafting
Image from Northampton Active
Our first lap of the course was fairly dry but don't be fooled you do get wet! The wetsuits really help but by the end we were all a little cold but it really was FUN!

Northampton Active - White Water Rafting

You complete a few laps of the course, jump in, lie down for part of the course and plunge down a rapid! My daughter wasn't so keen on the jumping activities but happily watched the rest of us & there was no pressure from the instructors.

Northampton Active - White Water Rafting

I would 100% recommend and happily go back.  Myself & my daughter want to try paddle boarding in the spring and she'd like to have a go at kayaking (she's done it before & enjoyed it).

Obviously at this time of year it's going to be cold but it was bearable and you warm up quickly afterwards.

I would advise to go, have fun, get wet and take some warm snuggly clothes for afterwards.  If you have active teens or looking for ideas to get them off the PlayStation give it a try.  The white water rafting is for 12+ and the tubing is for 7+.

They offer white water rafting, white water tubing and holidays clubs (£30 per day for ages 7 to 17) at this time of the year.  For full details check out their website  

**Disclaimer I received a free 2 hour session for 2 people in exchange for this review.  All opinions are my own & honest**


  1. One of the best activities in Lake Tahoe is fishing, swimming, and other water sports. Tahoe's many boating activities are geared for those staying for the winter. Unlike the bustling ski season, the summer at the lake is much less hectic. This gives it a more welcoming atmosphere. In the summer, the area resembles the grandeur of the high mountain regions, but with all the wintertime vistas in place. Lake Tahoe boat rentals .

  2. The second thing to consider is the price. Second hand paddle boards can be found at a fraction of the cost of new paddle boards. However, it is important to remember that the price is not always an indicator of quality. Sometimes, second hand paddle boards are actually better quality than new paddle boards. small paddle boards
